Monday, January 5, 2015

Sharepoint 2013 Display Template

Useful JavaScript to know when working with SharePoint Display Templates (#SPC3000)

With the display templates feature in SharePoint 2013, you can highly customize the look of search using HTML, JavaScript, and jQuery.  It turns out there are a lot of helper functions to make your life easier in the out-of-the-box scripts.  Unfortunately, there is not a lot of documentation out there on how to get started aside from looking at the code of OOTB display templates.  You can also find quite a bit by looking at the debug versions of the scripts and Search.clientcontrols.js.

Meet ctx

When it comes to display templates, ctx is your content object for your display template.  With this object, you can get access to managed properties, the number of results, and DOM elements that make up your display template.  Your display template will have a reference to ctx automatically and you will need to pass it to many of the methods to get access.

Accessing the Current Item

Now that you have met ctx, you can use it to do a number of actions.  Use this in your item display templates and hover panels.
This gives you access to all of the managed properties that have been set in the ManagedPropertyMapping element.  See below for the syntax to request the values.
Get the index of the current item
var index = ctx.CurrentItemIdx;
An item display template gets called for each result you have.  This property is useful to determine if you are on the first or last result.

Accessing Managed Properties

The basics of retrieving values of managed properties is accessing managed properties.  You can do this in two ways by using the managed property name or the display name in the ManagedPropertyMapping element of the display template.  You’ll find your managed properties typically in a format like the one below with the display property on the left and the managed property name on the right.  The value in brackets is optional and is used by the Content Search web part and it's what the web part shows in the property mapping section as a label.
'Line 1'{Line 1}:'Title'
Get Property Value by Managed Property Name
Your managed properties that you define in the ManagedPropertyMappings will show up as typed properties that you can access directly from the ctx object.  The example above display the last modified time.  Remember you can display a field from inside the HTML markup with the _#= =#_ markup.
_#= ctx.CurrentItem.LastModifiedTime =#_
Get Property Value by Display Name
var line4value = $getItemValue(ctx, "Line 4");
You can also use $getItemValue to get the value of a property using the web part display name (the value in the brackets).  This is good for the content search web part where you don't know what managed property the user has mapped to your column.  For example, in the screenshot above if I request Line 4, it will provide me the value of the Path managed property.

Useful Properties

There are a number of properties that might be useful to you if you plan on working with the JavaScript object model.  For example, add the following to your ManagedPropertyMapping element to get the id of the list, list item id, and site collection URL.
Get the host list id
var listId = ctx.CurrentItem.ListID;
This will retrieve the GUID of the list containing the item.
Get the list item id
var listItemId = ctx.CurrentItem.ListItemID;
This will return the numeric list item id of the list item.  This returns the integer value as opposed to the GUID.
Get the site collection URL
var siteCollectionUrl = ctx.CurrentItem.SPSiteUrl;
The site collection URL is available with the SPSiteUrl managed property.  If you need access to the site (web) instead of the site collection, the process is a little bit more involved.
Get the file extension
This lets you get the file extension of the current item.  Many of the helper functions use this to determine the type of document.

Including External Scripts and Style sheets

Since display templates are just HTML and JavaScript, you may want to reference external script files such as jQuery.  You can also reference CSS files as well.  You need to put these references in a <script> element block of your display template.
Include an external script
$includeScript(this.url, "~sitecollection/_layouts/15/reputation.js");
You can reference external scripts using a relative URL as shown above.  This example pulls the script out of the current site collection.  The first parameter to $includeScript is always this.url.
You can also specify an absolute URL including those residing externally on a CDN. 
You can also load scripts using SP.SOD as well if you prefer.  Some recommend this approach over $includeScript as it is supposed to be synchronous where $includeScript is not.
Including a style sheet (CSS)
$includeCSS(this.url, "~sitecollection/site/library/mycustom.css");
Referencing a style sheet looks similar to referencing a script.

Key Building Blocks

When it comes to working with display templates, many of the things that you need to do must be executed after the rest of the script has rendered.  This especially applies for anything that modifies the DOM.  Refer to the four tips for using jQuery post for more details.   We use Post Render Callbacks to execute code after the display template is done rendering.  Think of these as your jQuery equivalent to $(document).ready().  There are two ways to make this happen.  The first is ctx.OnPostRender.push().
ctx.OnPostRender = [];
ctx.OnPostRender.push(ctx, function () {
    // do something
The first statement clears the array and the second one pushes your function onto it.  This means you can have multiple OnPostRender event handlers. Instead, you may want to use AddPostRenderCallback
AddPostRenderCallback(ctx, function () {     // do something
If you look at the out-of-the-box templates, you'll see them executed both ways.  I tend to prefer the latter technique.
Get a ClientContext object
This will return a ClientContext object for the site hosting the search component.  If you are looking to get a ClientContext object for the site hosting the search result, see this post.

Working with the DOM

You'll often need to keep track of some element Ids when working with display templates.  A common practice is to generate a unique base id for the containing div element and then appending strings to those ids for child elements.  This often happens at the begging of every display template and then the markup references these ids.  Let's look at some examples.
Creating a unique element id for a child element
var id = ctx.ClientControl.get_nextUniqueId();
One of the first lines of script you will find in a display template is this one.  It generates a unique id that will be assigned to the first div element.  You'll then see another line such as this when is actually used by the first div element.
var itemId = id + Srch.U.Ids.item;
The div element uses $htmlEncode (which we'll cover below) to html encode the id.
<div id="_#= $htmlEncode(itemId) =#_" name="Item" data-displaytemplate="DefaultItem" class="ms-srch-item" onmouseover="_#= ctx.currentItem_ShowHoverPanelCallback =#_" onmouseout="_#= ctx.currentItem_HideHoverPanelCallback =#_">
What do these ids look like?  Here is an example.
Getting the id of the div of the display template
This will return the base id of the display template.

Utility Functions

You'll find a number of useful functions in the Srch.U object for everything from checking for null to manipulation of strings.  A lot of this overlaps with jQuery but there are some other search specific functions.  In the out-of-the-box display templates you'll sometimes see these methods referenced with Srch.U or with an alias using the $ sign.  Take a look at our first example.
Checking for null
if (!$isNull(ctx.ClientControl))
    // do something
The above use of $isNull will execute the code in the if statement if the object is not null.  The code snippet below using Srch.U.n will also do the same thing.
if (!Srch.U.n(ctx.ClientControl))
    // do something
Checking for an empty string
if (!$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.DisplayAuthor)) { }
You can use $isEmptyString or Srch.U.e to check if a string is empty.
Checking if an array is empty
if ($isEmptyArray(myArray)) { }
To determine if an array is empty $isEmptyArray.
Getting an array from multi-value fields such as author
var authors = Srch.U.getArray(ctx.CurrentItem.DisplayAuthor);
The Srch.U.getArray method is handy because it knows how to split common multi-value fields such as author.  It has a list of known delimeters such as ",#", "|", and ";".
Check if the item is a web page
ctx.CurrentItem.csr_ShowViewLibrary = !Srch.U.isWebPage(ctx.CurrentItem.FileExtension);
This method knows extensions for common page types and will return true if the extension is a page (i.e.: .aspx or .html).
Get a friendly name for a file extension
This method is how search displays the word PowerPoint instead of PPTX.
Get the Display Name from an author field
var author = Srch.U.getDisplayNameFromAuthorField(ctx.CurrentItem.AuthorOWSUSER);
This function will display the author's full name properly.
Setting the icon
ctx.CurrentItem.csr_Icon = Srch.U.getIconUrlByFileExtension(ctx.CurrentItem);
This allows you to override the icon for a given item result.  You can call Srch.U.getIconUrlByFileExtension() if you want to get the icon for the given file type.
Get the number of items
You can get the number of items returned using ctx.CurrentItem.get_numberOfItems().
Determine if the host is SharePoint Foundation
if (!Srch.U.isSPFSKU()) { }
Some functionality isn't available in SPF, use this method to determine your version.


The Srch.U class has a number of methods that make formatting values easier.  Besides just the basic formatting, it has formatting methods for numbers, dates, and file sizes that are more human readable such as display "5 MB" instead of "5,000,000 bytes".  These method are locale aware so they should display your data in the correct format for the user.
Formatting the date with a short pattern
Srch.U.toFormattedDate(ctx.CurrentItem.Write, 'ShortDatePattern');
By default, this will use LongDatePattern if you don't specify a date pattern. 
Formatting numbers
Srch.U.toFormattedNumber(value, 3);
This formats the number with three decimal places if you are passing it a decimal number.
Format the number using approximations
This is useful for numbers in the 1,000 range and greater.  It rounds down to the nearest thousand.  For example, 52,343 will be returned as "52,000+".  If the value is greater than 100,000, it will return a value of 100,000+.
Format file sizes
Srch.U.toFileSizeDisplay(ctx.CurrentItem.FileSize, false);
This will return the file size in GB, MB, or KB.  You can optionally have it show the decimal part with the second parameter.
Formatting a string
var myString = String.format('Hello World {0} {1}', value1, value2);
String formatting is available just like you would use in C#.
Truncate a URL
Srch.U.truncateUrl(ctx.CurrentItem.Path, 40);
Want to display a truncated path like you see in the search results.  This method is how it is done.  You can specify the number of characters in length you want it with the second parameter.
Trim a string
Srch.U.getTrimmedString(string, 40);
Use this to trim a long string.  An ellipsis (...) will be added to the end of the string past the cutoff (second parameter)
Trim Spaces
This method is handy to trim spaces from a string.


Display templates have built-in support for providing localization.  It uses a system of resource dictionary stored in JavaScript files located in culture specific folders.  Each culture specific folder contains a file CustomStrings.js.  You can use this file or include your own.  
Registering a resource dictionary
If you look inside CustomStrings.js you will see the syntax of adding resources using a simple array with $registerResourceDictionary.
$registerResourceDictionary("en-us", {
    "sampleCustomStringId": "Sample custom string",
    "rf_RefinementTitle_ManagedPropertyName": "Sample Refinement Title for ManagedPropertyName"
Loading a resource file
Many out-of-the-box templates load a resource file automatically using the statement below.  If not, you can add it yourself or modify it if you are using a different resource dictionary.
$includeLanguageScript(this.url, "~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Language Files/{Locale}/CustomStrings.js");
Using a resource
Using a resource in your display template is quite easy using $resource.  It's a good idea to make use of $htmlEncode to encode it before writing it.
_#= $htmlEncode($resource("sampleCustomStringId")) =#_

1 comment:

  1. I am trying to implement the Srch.U.toFormattedDate(ctx.CurrentItem.Write, 'ShortDatePattern'); in my display template but I dont how or where to put it in the template. Any guidence would be appreciated
