Tuesday, October 21, 2014

SharePoint 2010 Publishing Sites and Mobile Views Authentication Issue


We recently faced an issue with our SharePoint Internet Portal. The Site was published on Internet, but when browsed on Mobile phones, especially Iphone. Whenever you browsed the portal through a mobile device, its throws the authentication window, where you need to provide user id and password.

By default, making a site in SharePoint anonymous not works for mobile users. But this is a very common requirement for Internet Facing web sites, meaning we cannot use SharePoint for Internet? As I started googling, I came to this msdn discussion which concluded same, but there should be some way. There is saying, “Where there is a will there is a way” and there is a way:).

Disable ViewFormPagesLockDown feature from your site collection, since it is by default enabled on publishing sites. Lockdown mode is a feature that you can use to secure published sites. When lockdown mode is turned on, fine-grain permissions for the limited access permission level are reduced. When this feature is enabled, it stops anonymous users accessing any of the layout pages. In case of mobile view, when auser accesses Intranet site,  SharePoint redirects the user to /_layouts/mobile/mblwp.aspx to determine the correct rendering template to be applied. Since it is an application page, LockDown mode will not let the anymous user access the page and he/she will get 401 unauthorized.

Now you know the solution for this, disable the ViewFormPagesLockDown using below powershell command, re-apply permissions (enable anonymous access) and finally recycle IIS to be on safe-side.
Disable-SPFeature -Identity "ViewFormPagesLockDown" -URL http://internet


Another workaround, which is a little less drastic, is to disable the recognition of mobile browsers only. It can be done by adding the following snippet in the system.web section of the web.config of your Web Application:

  <result type="System.Web.Mobile.MobileCapabilities, System.Web.Mobile, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"/>